Top Best Countries In The World


Top Best Countries In The World

The following are the five countries that have the best records on emigration of people from their countries, the reasons for emigration and the reasons for keeping them.

Democratic Republic of Congo

32% of the population in this country “are outside of the country due to work” (Pfau 1994, p.60). The second largest source of immigrants to Congo is looking for employment.

South Africa

The first country to have a population that are not present in the country is South Africa. The immigration to South Africa also comprises of coming from Congo because “they are willing to work” (Pfau 1994, p.59).


A large percentage of Emigrants, on the island of Mauritius, come from India. Such emigrants are thankful of the people for their country for its stability and freedom of movement (European Parliament).

Sierra Leone

Almost one-third of the Sierra Leonean population is living abroad because of work (Pfau 1994, p.77). The rules regarding immigration to Sierra Leone were introduced in 1991, to ensure free access for all.

The fourth largest emigrant group from Sierra Leone includes travelers, both at the external borders and within the country.


The fourth largest emigrant group in Kuwait is 24% of the total population (Pfau 1994, p.74). The first state in Kuwait’s borders is Saudi Arabia, followed by Iraq, USA, Egypt, etc.

Kuwait’s policy regarding the immigration of people from the first state is cordial, not some illegal, legal and other. But on the second state, Kuwait will lose their sovereignty.


This is the largest emigrant country from the African continent. First state on the border to Egypt is Israel, then the other states are Sudan, Syria, Libya, Syria, Iraq, etc.

Egypt, in the year 2016, issued a decree on emigration, to protect this human right to explore for better opportunities to compete for jobs in other countries and that’s what compelled the youth of Egypt to enter another country with the more opportunities. They gain the right to declare their emigration into the job market with other countries.

The article titled “Why Letters to Pakistan Don’t Work”, reported that the government of Pakistan, from the year 2015 to the year 2015, hired 31,000 people from countries, outside Pakistan, who do not have residency,The working conditions in Pakistan, therefore, are not good, and an increasing number of these immigrants will flee for safer countries because of their inability to deal with the kind of conditions in Pakistan (Hobbs & Taylor 1995, p.135).


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